Sign Policy
Appearance of all signs including sale/rental of homes, estate sales, open houses
- The maximum area of signs is limited to four (4) square feet.
- Information contained on signs must be consistent with applicable laws and regulation.
- All signs may be displayed on Resident property using metal frames/devices as shown in the pictures below and must be set back a minimum of four feet from the front property line.
- Only one For Sale/Rent sign is allowed on the Resident’s property. The sign may be located in the front, side, or rear yard.
- Tripod mounted signs or “gallows” signs are not permitted.

For Sale/Rent, Open House and Estate Sale Signs
- One realtor or Owner “For Sale/For Rent” sign may be placed on the Resident’s property until it is sold, rented or removed from the market. Signs must then be removed from lots within 5 working days.
- Realtors/Owners are allowed to display up to two “Open House” signs on a lot during an open house. One sign may be located in the rear yard, including on golf course lots. Signs must be promptly removed within 2 hours after the Open House. Balloons, banners, flags, or other moving objects are not permitted.
- Residents who observe signs that do not meet these criteria should report them to the Managing Agent. The Managing Agent should contact the firm/broker/agent or Owner and request that the sign be removed. Signs that are not removed within 24 hours should be removed by the Managing Agent.
"Directional" Signs
- Directional signs are small signs placed at intersections in a community to help guide visitors to the homes that are being held “OPEN” for viewing or for Estate Sales. They either have a directional arrow on the sign or the newer versions of the sign may be shaped in the form of an arrow.
- Standard Realtor directional signs may be used for Open Houses in Heritage Hunt.
- Realtor signs should conform to the VA law governing real estate signs.
- Directional signs may be placed in the common grounds between the street curb and the sidewalk. If there is no common ground available to place the sign, the realtor must ask permission to place the directional sign on any other resident’s property.
- Only one directional sign can be placed at an intersection for each Open House or Estate Sale. No directional signs should be placed in the medians between lanes in the Heritage Hunt roads.
Contractor Signs are allowed on Residents’ Lots only during the period the Contractor is present and visibly working at that location. These signs shall be removed within 24 hrs. of the project completion.
Invisible Fence Signs are regulated by the Design Guidelines.
Security Signs are regulated by the Design Guidelines.
Banners/Signs on common areas:
- Can only be used for community-wide events sponsored by the HHHOA;
- Design, size and location require approval by the Grounds Committee.
- Will be removed on the next scheduled workday after the event;
- Must be of size to fit between any existing posts.
- After initial approval of the design, size and location by the Grounds Committee, the following events are pre-approved and do not need further application: HHHOA Annual Meeting, HHHOA announcement of Community awards, Charity Classic, HHWO Fine Arts and Crafts Show, Community Open House and HH Concerts. Banners/Signs for these events will be placed and removed by the Managing Agent or their designee.